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Version: 0.11.0

Updating Juno Node

Updating your Juno node is crucial to access new features, improvements, and security patches. Follow these steps to update your node to the latest version using Docker.

Steps to Update

  1. Pull the Latest Juno Docker Image

    First, pull the latest Juno Docker image from Nethermind's Docker repository. As an example, to update to v0.11.0-rc1, use the following command:

docker pull nethermind/juno:v0.11.0-rc1
  1. Stop the Current Juno Container

Stop your currently running Juno container. If you're unsure of your container's name, you can use docker ps to list active containers.

docker stop juno
  1. Remove the Old Container

Once the container is stopped, remove it to prevent any conflicts with the new version.

docker rm juno
  1. Start a New Container with the Updated Image

Run a new container using the updated Docker image. Here's an example command, adjust it according to your setup (ports, volumes, version etc.):

docker run -d \
--name juno \
-p 6060:6060 \
-v $HOME/juno:/var/lib/juno \
nethermind/juno:v0.11.0-rc1 \
--http \
--http-port 6060 \
--http-host \
--db-path /var/lib/juno \
--eth-node <YOUR-ETH-NODE>
  1. Verify the Update

After starting the new container, verify that the node is running correctly with the updated version.

docker logs juno


You have successfully updated your Juno node to the latest version. It is now ready to be used. For more information on managing your node, visit Nethermind's official GitHub repository.